Boniato can be microwaved or baked just like a potato. Before heaping on the butter - as you would a baked potato - taste it. You won't want to smother its nutty taste.
Also known as the white sweet potato, boniato is popular baked, roasted or fried inLatino cuisines.
Boniato is versatile, pair it with roasted chicken and beef or pork hot-off the grill. Serve boniato like you would a baked potato or mash it with garlic for a great side.
Nutritional highlight: With a dry, fluffy texture, boniato is a good source of vitamin C with about 90 calories per 1/2 cup.
Your grocery store may not have a full array of tropical roots. But ask your produce manager. Many stores start with a basket of eddos.
Find out why tropical roots play such an important role in Latino, Asian, Indian and African cuisines. Try a tropical "potato" recipe or substitute a tropical root for one of your own potato recipes.
Yours in the tropics,
Mary Ostlund
Brooks Tropicals
Article and images from Brooks Tropicals Newsletter