Many plants contain bioactive ingredients that can alleviate human diseases. These phytocompounds often contain restorative biological properties such as anti-cancerous, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
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The avocado has become the superfood of the twenty-first century. Technical improvements in the avocado harvest within recent years have allowed substantial reduction in its water footprint. Present in all types of diets, no other food offers the same nutritional value for the per-liter amount of water used in growth and harvest.
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With the fourth annual ongoing efforts to present pears in new and exciting ways and reach new audiences, the organization has embraced the current popularity of hot and spicy snack foods by creating a short, humorous video highlighting pears and hot, spicy and savory chips.
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Bees were one of the topics discussed on Tuesday of the Washington State Tree Fruit Association during the 115th annual meeting and Northwest Horticultural Expo happening Dec. 9 through 11 at the Wenatchee Convention Center.
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Growing up, orange juice was a staple on our breakfast table. And juice has continued to be part of my morning routine ever since. A 6-oz. glass of OJ supplies 100% of the daily recommended intake for vitamin C along with an array of other nutrients, all for just 80 calories. And it’s a quick and easy way to consume at least a third of your daily quota of fruit.
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The Michigan Pomesters took their annual RidgeFest tour on the road Aug. 1, traveling from Sparta to southwest Michigan to learn about differences in climate, equipment and organic apple growing.
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This is Vienna’s Vegetable Orchestra: a 10-piece ensemble from the city of Beethoven, Brahms and Mozart that plays music with instruments made entirely from fresh produce.
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Farmers end up throwing away about 10% of their apple yield – mostly from apples that have fallen to the ground and no longer look pretty enough to end up in grocery stores. Other apples are tossed because they're too small, too big or have sun spots.
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Health experts and scientists say produce, grown either conventionally or organically, is safe to eat for you and your children. Not only are conventionally and organically grown fruits and vegetables safe and nutritious, Americans should be consuming more of these, not less, if they hope to reduce their risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
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Sometimes, innovation makes for strange bedfellows.
In the Northern Nevada desert, on land once spattered with grazing cattle, inside a 31,000-square-foot greenhouse, tilapia and tomatoes are farmed in partnership. The hydroponic tomatoes break down waste from the fish for nutrients while also cleansing the water so it can be recycled back to the tilapia tanks.
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"It is our hope to promote healthy eating to become a mainstream choice, as well as the organic way to produce healthy foods," said Ma Xiaochao, project officer with Know Your Food, a self-publishing community focused on food sustainability.
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Reducing your consumption of animals products could yield benefits for your health and the environment.
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Do you feel like your mood is dropping along with colder temperatures? Take a deep breath and spend a moment to reflect upon how you eat. Are you eating three meals each day? Do you consume two types of fruits and vegetables every day?
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One of Dole Philippines Inc.’s biggest pineapple production and canning operations will start to get power from the fruit’s waste in an effort to cut costs and boost sustainability.
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Many organic advocates claim that genetically engineered crops are harmful to human health, the environment and the farmers who work with them. Biotechnology advocates fire back that genetically engineered crops are safe, reduce insecticide use and allow farmers in developing countries to produce enough food to feed themselves and their families.
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Spiky, strenuous to prepare and containing foul smelling slime, it has until recently been regarded as a "paupers fruit". Now, the jackfruit is being hailed as a meat replacement superior to soy by restaurants, and is lining the shelves of supermarkets.
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North Dakota State University compared two years of fresh apples exposed to periodic Thermaculture versus conventionally grown apples and concluded that the Agrothermal Systems process created significantly higher inducible levels of phenolic metabolities and related antioxidant activity.
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Juice, consumed alone or in other products, may help improve a consumer’s daily diet. Many fruit and vegetable juices are sources of important vitamins, minerals and often times, fiber.
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Anti-aging effects of compound in some fruits and vegetables verified in novel new research
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